The conversation has now turned from whether children should use an electric toothbrush to choosing the best electric toothbrush for children.

Dentists are clear in their recommendation. An electric toothbrush has several benefits for even the youngest users. It helps make the process of cleaning teeth more enjoyable and therefore easier for children to develop the habit of brushing.

So how do you go about finding the best electric toothbrush for kids? There are certain things to keep in mind that are different from the themes that guide your adult purchasing choices.

1. Children are easily frightened

It can take a while to get used to electric toothbrushes. They vibrate, buzz and make weird noises while you clean. And the sensation caused inside the mouth can be uncomfortable at first. Children are also more sensitive to nausea, which makes the experience of using an electric toothbrush more challenging.

Since their air passages are smaller, larger brush heads are more uncomfortable for children than adults. Brushing more carefully and selecting the correct size heads are important steps in ensuring that your children enjoy using a power toothbrush. Remember, the goal is for children to enjoy brushing their teeth and maintaining oral hygiene.

2. Children want guidance

Parents are often the first people a child will turn to for advice, about anything. If you demonstrate the correct way to use a toothbrush, children will happily imitate you and enjoy using one. So, even before planning to buy the kids a power toothbrush, it might be a good idea for parents to buy one and start using it in front of them, just to show them that it’s a “good” thing, even quite amusing.

3. Observe how children breathe

Most children breathe primarily through their noses, but some breathe through their mouths. This means that they breathe through their mouths instead of their noses. Naturally, for these children, using a toothbrush is more uncomfortable and unpleasant than for others. It can be hard to breathe and brush at the same time.

Coupled with your sensitivity to nausea and small airways, the idea of ​​putting a large toothbrush in your mouth can seem scary. If you notice that your child is mouth breathing, you can compensate by making some adaptations in the brushing process.

Start using a small brush. Keep brushing sessions short. Be gentle. Ensure a positive tone to the entire experience. Introduce new aspects gradually instead of rushing to teach the child everything in a couple of lessons.

4. Go easy on the toothpaste

Children don’t really need toothpaste to clean their teeth until they are about 5 years old. Some children will not like the taste. Others may not like the feeling of a slimy, sticky gel inside the mouth. These can make them stop brushing their teeth, let alone using an electric toothbrush.

If you start with dry brushing, children are more likely to enjoy the experience and continue brushing for the recommended 2 minutes rather than giving up after a few seconds. And the duration of the cleaning is much more important to achieving dental hygiene than using toothpaste. In fact, only 15% of the cleaning effect of tooth brushing comes from the toothpaste itself. Most cleaning happens due to brush strokes, brush head type, reaching all areas inside the mouth, and brushing long enough.

Keeping these factors in mind, let’s talk about how to select the best electric toothbrush for kids.

The first is the first. Not the kids need an electric-type toothbrush as much as they need to develop good brushing habits. Happily, it helps the process go more smoothly and therefore increases the chance that children will quickly develop the habit of brushing compared to using a manual toothbrush.

There are some major limitations children face when cleaning their teeth that can be overcome with the right choice:

  • children do not fully understand why it is important to brush their teeth
  • children cannot see the inside of their mouths, or feel where there are crevices or hard-to-reach areas that they should try to clean
  • younger children often do not have the kind of manual skills and hand coordination to be able to brush their teeth in the right way

For all these reasons, selecting a good electric toothbrush for children can be a very beneficial decision. This applies even to the youngest children whose parents brush their teeth. The electric toothbrush for children is faster, more enjoyable and more effective in cleaning your child’s teeth. Children are also more cooperative and will allow themselves to brush their teeth long enough when using an electric device.

What is the right age to buy an electric toothbrush for children?

As long as the child brushes under supervision, you can start dry brushing with one as early as two years of age. Most parents decide to start using electric toothbrushes when their children are between 5 and 8 years old.

Much of this decision depends on the child’s ability to use the device comfortably. Many children ask for it after seeing their parents or siblings brushing with an electronic toothbrush. The important thing is to avoid imposing it on a child who is not ready yet. That’s counterproductive and can interfere with forming a brushing habit.

Another factor that will determine the best age to start using an electric toothbrush is the mess created while brushing! If your child is too young to handle one, your bathroom could end up looking like it’s been hit by a hurricane!

What factors go into the best electric toothbrush for kids?

High quality: Children should have a toothbrush of the same quality that adults would choose for themselves. That’s because cheaper devices are more abrasive and damaging to teeth. And younger children have sensitive teeth and gums that are more easily damaged.

Plaque removal: Any toothbrush should get rid of dental plaque. Look at plaque scores before choosing battery-powered toothbrushes for kids. The removal of plaque helps prevent the formation of dental cavities. Given the number of children who gorge themselves on sweets and sugary foods, this is very important.

Brush head size: The shape and size of an electric toothbrush head is a very important element when selecting a device for children. The ideal brush can access all parts of the mouth, including behind the last molars and inside the cheeks, but is still small enough to be comfortable.

Good sow: Brush heads with high-quality bristles are better for cleaning and less damaging to gums. It is recommended to replace children’s toothbrush heads once a month.

rechargeable: It is best if an electric toothbrush for children is rechargeable and not battery powered. They are safer for children to use.

Now that you have a clear idea of ​​what to consider, what is the best electric toothbrush for children?

There are a couple of makes and models that dentists highly recommend for children. Which one you choose will depend on the unique requirements of your children. ‘The daughter of a dentist’ offers a detailed guide to help you decide.

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