Women know what they want. They want a set of ripped abs that will make all the guys at the beach trip and trip over their own feet because they’re looking out the side of their sunglasses. They want their friends to insult them behind their back because they are jealous of those firm and elegant muscles.

The right set of ab exercises can help women achieve exactly that: look sexy, slim, and fit in all those clothes that make a girl look good. Even if you think you have a million miles to go to get to where you want to be, believe me, it can be done.

Let’s start with what most women consider their “problem area” on their abs… the lower abs. That’s right, ladies, the dreaded place that gets nasty names like “dog belly” or other words I can’t reproduce here. Often times, this becomes a problem area due to work. Sometimes age or inactivity can create the problem. Whatever the cause, the cure is the same.

This section of muscle is the lower section of the rectus abdominis or “six pack” abdominal muscles. To train these muscles most effectively, do an exercise I like to call “Six Inches of Stinking Hell.” I have other names for it, all of which imply a lot of usage. It works, but it hurts.

It’s simple to do, really. Lie on your back. Put your hands under your lower back to give yourself some support in this area. Then lift your heels, about six inches off the ground, and leave them there.

I mean, leave them there. She starts counting. She keeps counting. Leave your feet floating in the air, the same six inches off the ground, and feel your lower abs begin to burn. How long should you keep your feet in the air? While you can.

You can start with thirty seconds, say, but you’ll need to increase the time as you go. If you want to increase the intensity, as you raise your legs, SLOWLY separate them and bring them back together. Are you beginning to see why I use harsh language when naming this exercise?

This is an exercise that you can do every day in front of the television, listening to music, whatever. The point is that consistency is key. The more consistent you are with your ab workouts, the better your results will be. Some women are a bit intimidated to go to a gym and do their abdominal exercises there until they feel like they are in good shape, so this is a great exercise to start and on the right track.

I cannot stress enough how important this area is for women to stay in shape with a consistent abdominal exercise program. This area only gets weaker and flaccid with time and inactivity, so if you’re going to make your friends terribly jealous of your amazing abs, you’ll need to get in the habit of including this particular ab workout in your routine. . day.

Don’t worry. You can do it. And don’t get me wrong; This is not the only exercise that women should do to get flat abs. However, it is a great start and a very effective way to begin to reinforce what is a big problem for many women. Then, once you get momentum forward, you can capitalize on it and keep it going.

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