A large percentage of financial assets, in the United States, are invested in some form/forms of real estate. For most Americans, the value of their family’s home represents their main financial asset. Also, some of the other used real estate vehicles include: personal home; owner and/or non-owner occupied multi-family properties; invest in commercial buildings, rental houses, apartments and/or participate in real estate investment companies (REITs) and/or partnerships, etc. However, while some do very well with these, others experience less – stellar results! Those who do it best generally understand, and effectively use and take advantage of, the MAPS With that in mind, this article will briefly try to consider, examine, review and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, discuss how this approach is beneficial and smart.

1. Marketing; management; motivator; brand: Optimum results stem from quality, professional design, management, and wiser decision-making, based on evaluation, rather than being guided by emotion! Much of this has to do with marketing expertise, and doing it in a way that motivates both the individual and potential buyers, sellers, renters and landlords, etc. How would you ensure that you are ready, willing and able to make your mark in a quality way?

two. Attitude; fitness; action plan; attention; attractive: Taking advantage of the best and most attractive opportunities requires a set of relevant and well-developed aptitudes and skills! This must be accompanied by a true, positive, can-do attitude to overcome obstacles, seeing them as challenges, rather than problems! It is essential to pay close attention to all aspects and carefully perceive and conceive, create and implement the best plan of action!

3. prices; planning; priorities: There is an expression Real estate is all about price and location. Only when the pricing is correct, from the beginning, one becomes able to plan with quality and take advantage of the most relevant and significant priorities!

Four. sales/sales; strategy; staging: Since many potential buyers are challenged, in terms of visualizing the big picture, and unable to look beyond the obvious and cosmetic elements, it often makes sense to take advantage of the services of a professional set designer. and use the staging to demonstrate what could be! One must focus on a meaningful strategy, emphasizing sales and selling, at the best possible price available, in the shortest period of time, with the best terms, etc. Has no sense?

When one uses the essential MAPS of real estate, its performance and bottom line, generally get better and better. Are you willing to fully prepare yourself, to be effective, in this amazing field of endeavor?

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