In the process of assembling a kitchen, the shopping list is endless. Of course, a lot depends on the eating habits of the family, whether they prefer to eat out or cook at home for more nutritious, healthy and affordable meals. The shopping list inevitably includes crockery, cutlery, pans and dishes, large kitchen appliances and gadgets such as the stove or gas hob, refrigerator, dishwasher, etc. These are classified as essential. Next comes the range of small kitchen appliances that includes some must-have appliances and many that serve specific functions and may not be used every day or every week. Budget constraints also make it necessary for us to buy some now and some later, as the list of expenses is too long. So how do you decide which small kitchen appliance to buy first?

Decide on the most important small kitchen appliances

The task of deciding which appliances to buy first is not an easy one, especially when a visit to the stores that sell them shows aisle after aisle of different types of small kitchen appliances with multiple makes and models of each. With a clear image of the budget allocated to purchase them, the following can be purchased step by step.

  1. Microwave oven – if after ordering all the large appliances for the kitchen, only one appliance needs to be purchased, then the microwave should be the first. This is because it makes life so much easier than all other home appliances. You can multitask and even replace other appliances. Not only does it cook, bake, steam, heat, and defrost, but if you don’t own a blender, you can microwave your vegetable or fruit for a couple of minutes to soften it, then mash it with a fork. You can make instant coffee or tea to replace coffee maker and electric kettle, steamed rice to replace rice cooker, etc.
  2. Blender- The second most important thing to need in the kitchen is a blender, as it speeds up the cooking speed by pureeing, blending, blending and even chopping, all essential pre-cooking processes that require much more time manually, but never again. for a minute or two in the blender.
  3. Coffee Maker – Most people do not like instant coffee and if you enjoy your freshly roasted coffee, then the next small kitchen appliance is definitely a coffee maker.
  4. Mini chopper or food processor- Of these, the choice will be determined by the size of the family, since food processors are larger and serve larger quantities, while a mini chopper is enough for a couple.
  5. Toaster Oven – This is a great little kitchen appliance as it bakes, broils, broils, and toasts, and because it’s small, it heats up quickly and is fast on all functions.

Once all of these small appliances have established a functional and efficient kitchen, the next in line could be all or some of the appliances you see on the market, such as the rice cooker, kettle, hand mixer, can opener, etc. the egg cooker, the bread cutter, the electric grill. etc.

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