Working for yourself is not all advantages. Sometimes there are big drawbacks. It is up to you to determine whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. But it’s good that you know in advance what the pros and cons of working on your own are so that you can be realistic about what you’re getting into.


Work and family life often collide

Due to the lack of a regimen and the lack of a clear delineation between work and free time, you will find yourself working odd hours to accommodate your family’s needs and therefore feel like you never have a day. free.

You will do a lot of work for free

Much of the work you do for your business is non-billable, therefore it will feel like free work until you start making a profit. It can be hard to push yourself to do things that aren’t generating income right now, but you need to keep going to keep your business running smoothly.

The family will ask you to do things (since you are not doing anything)

Not just family, but sometimes friends will start to depend on you being there for them in everything. They will ask you to do their chores like taking care of their sick child so they can go to work. Your spouse and children will stop helping so much around the house, since you are there anyway. It never ends.

Things will distract you

Without supervision, even the most studious and organized person can get off the rails due to the internet, television, and other things that can distract you from work. It is up to you and only you to set a good work schedule to help you avoid this.


No more living by the clock

If you organize your business well, you can wake up naturally without an alarm that forces you to get up when your body is not ready. You can also go to bed whenever you want. It is freedom not to always live by the clock.

No more traffic jams

One of the best benefits is not having to get stuck in traffic during rush hours when you need to urinate. You won’t have to do that anymore and it will be a relief, especially on bad weather days when everyone else has to trudge through the snow or heat wave.

Fewer work-related interruptions

The chatter in the office can be overwhelming at times and it can be difficult to get the job done because of it. Not to mention office meetings. Be honest, did you ever actually do your job because of a meeting?

A flexible schedule

If you have a parent-teacher meeting, you do not have to ask permission to attend. If you want to do your hair, do it. What you want to do during the day is up to you, as long as you find time to do your work as well to get paid. Your schedule is yours.

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