Individuals and businesses can benefit from using the insights into human nature that handwriting analysis brings. Handwriting is highly individual and it would be difficult to find another method of character analysis that provides as much insight into the personality of the writer.

During childhood, graphology can be used to identify progress. Certain writing movements should have been achieved at different stages of development. Character analysis is limited with respect to children until they type automatically (approximately around age 12). However, you can tell if a child is unhappy, insecure, scared, or angry, as well as calm when they are well-adjusted and happy people. The tension in their bodies conveys how they feel on paper. If you have the opportunity to assess a child in this way early on, you will be better able to address their fears and pave the way to a well-balanced adulthood.

During adolescence the character is more affirmed so that an analysis can be undertaken. The graphologist takes into account the raging hormones that often come hand in hand with teenagers, however career advice can be given based on their inherent nature.

Having his handwriting analyzed can be a useful exercise, as in the case of the young man who acknowledged that his lack of discipline was not a big deal, while his writing as a whole showed that it was a major problem. He was surprised to say the least. If he decides to change, his handwriting will also change, this can take up to 10 years, but gradually the negative trait will disappear.

In the business world, recruitment is the obvious use of graphology and it is only part of the process. This is a positive way of ensuring that the most suitable people are hired. Some people interview very well but lack substance. A graphologist can tell in a matter of hours whether he has a leader, a follower, or a time waster on his hands. It is a fair way to recruit, as physical appearance, race, color and creed do not influence evaluation.

Compatibility reports can be used for both personal relationships and business mergers. Two or more handwritings are analyzed, potential areas of friction are identified, and where compromise will be needed is highlighted. When it comes to company mergers, financing is often the predominant issue, but if the personalities of the major players collide, this can be a recipe for disaster.

Criminology is another aspect of graphology. There are two sides to this: the character analysis side of science and the forensic side where, for example, writings are compared as proof of fraud and personality is not part of the process.

Graphotherapy is the area of ​​graphology that deals with helping people heal through their writing. Addressing the traits in writing that indicate the personality problem leads to alleviating the problem.

Graphology is a science that can be used for any purpose that involves the study of human nature.

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