More and more women are becoming leaders today. Even at home, an increasing number of women are becoming the primary decision makers on relevant matters, particularly investments and money management decisions. You will notice that even in the workplace, women in leadership positions are on the rise and more and more women are becoming what this era calls Boss Chicks. Creating a Boss Chick is not something you get with money or membership, it’s something you do from within. This “thing” that “becomes” within a woman creates a powerfully magnetic beam and, in turn, commands others to pay attention, take notes, and give respect. While Michelle Obama is the epitome of a Boss Chick, it does not mean that without such a prestigious position you cannot or cannot be, be, or be recognized for the power that she exudes as an extraordinary woman of the 20th century. It’s about your thinking, your ability, your faith, your footprints, your enthusiasm and zeal, and yes, it’s about your thunder. When I say “thunder” I really mean your ability to move, shake, and put things in order. The beauty is that it is made with the power to refine and the ability to become a marketing machine. When you touch it, gold becomes its new shape! When you can do that, knowing full well what can and will be done, you are flirting with being as bossy as a girl can get.

A Boss Chick does not look for handouts that it seeks to negotiate for the most favorable offer. This is a woman who does not use or manipulate her surroundings, but rather conveys value, inspires hearts, motivates minds, and engages those who support her vision. Every woman has a Boss Chick inside her, it’s just a matter of waking up her bossy woman to change her melody, dance, song and life for her life and legacy. I believe that God created you to be a Boss, who is simply a confident woman, who has unwavering faith, is bold, bright and effective. Either you are that or you must become that because the world could surely use more women who think and operate at the top. Now this is not to say that once in a while you can’t just relax and turn things down a bit, but to impart that you absolutely can live each day in your own personal success zone, no matter how big or small. For some, having a day of peace is a great success. For many, having a high-energy day is a day of great success. Success is what you do, how you see it, and how you shape it. A Boss Chick makes the decisions in her life. Don’t get caught, all successful Boss Chicks are humble, God fearing, submissive, and driven by wisdom. This means that she is a listener who pays attention to others, to her own milestones, successes, and even mistakes in her ways. Knowing that there is an extreme value in each valley is his attribute of triumph because he draws from the lily (that is, the lily of the valley).

You may have never heard the term “Boss Chick” until now, but I bet you will recognize it the next time you see it. Women carry a lot in their lives on capable shoulders. I could give you a list that goes on and on if they give me a book to write. There is beauty in being the weakest vessel that is also a source of power like no other, particularly when we come to understand the importance of returning to supreme femininity and voluminous virtue. A lot of people confuse being tough or tough with force and that’s the biggest fluke under the sun. A woman looks like the flower. It is fragrant, tender, fragile, beautiful, enlightening, colorful, and powerful. The scent of gardenia alone is enough to bring calm to a roaring soul. We must return to the power of elegance, atmosphere and virtue. It’s okay to be cute, it really is!

I believe that every woman has the desire deep down, if she doesn’t stink from the surface of her being, to be beautiful, bright and daring. Every woman has a desire to use her imagination to create a lifelong legacy to live beyond her years. No matter how old you are, what your culture is, what your belief systems are, in fact, women from all walks of life need the exact same things. Women need to give and feel love, they need access to a financial river, and women also need a certain degree of power, unstoppable faith, recognition and a certain level of control. It is important to take advantage of your clay jug so that your dreams and gifts breathe and co-create treasures with deep meaning.

Your salary does not dictate your stance as a Boss Chick, however being a Boss Chick can change your life and create financial blessings that give you the resources to make moves on larger scales. It’s not just about money, being a leading lady is about feeling good from the inside out and exuding a magnetic and instrumental confidence for those who witness the birth of the leader in you. Leading doesn’t mean you have to be a first lady like Michelle Obama or any other nationally recognized woman. Managing yourself is often the hardest act to balance and it really starts there. Control the way you think, do and move. Polish your inner functioning, bathe your soul, illuminate your spirit, change your perception, you can be transformed by the renewal of your mind. Spending time alone is a good starting point. It is not healthy to live life with dependencies and codependencies that require others to remain relevant. Mastering yourself requires a serious commitment to getting to know who you are regardless of outside influences. Once you have a picture of what you are working on, you can get busy developing, shaping, and renewing with the help of the holy spirit. Who I am? Some would say she’s a waiting lady, others a virtuous woman, new people might call you a “boss girl.” I know some are old-fashioned and may have a hard time adopting modern expressions like the boss girl, but that’s okay, you all get the point and the image and that’s what matters the most. The goal is not only to be a role model, but also the right one to follow. So when asked the question, what does it mean to be a Boss Chick, hopefully you will be able to smile, maybe laugh but confidently say “I” “I am a Boss Chick” because I know who I am, I am clear of my worth, I am undeniably brave and beautiful in my thinking, saying, doing and becoming.

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