1. Physical attraction and sex based on appearance (a man’s muscular build, height, some women prefer tall men, a particular skin color (white, Latino, black), haircut), fancy clothes, a fancy car or an expensive house.

2. Glory by association: If the man is famous, the woman is also in the spotlight. If he is notorious, the woman still attracts attention. A famous senator, an actor or an actress, a musician is very popular in the society if he is good. Most of these have parasites, people who follow them wherever they go and show up. If you are photographed with Mike Piazza (the baseball star), it will show. This is an example of glory by association. Bob Hope was popular all over the world. Most people in show business are social favorites and are admired by members of the opposite sex. To mention just a few:

Liz Taylor, Madonna, Jennifer Lopez, Harrison Ford, Tom Cruise. Bin Laden has terrorized the entire world with suicide bombings and other violent acts. His right hand is also in the spotlight and is therefore just as conspicuous. This is also notoriety by association. A television personality has many fans.

3. To avoid loneliness, a very common social disease and feared by most men and women;

4. To get away from abusive parents;

5. To lead a wealthy lifestyle: A wealthy man mostly ensures a luxurious lifestyle and the woman can be the lady of leisure and a socialite who helps charities.

6. Nurse and bag: if the man needs to be nursed, the woman nurses him until he falls off. She gets security and protection from predators and inherits money from her. It’s a good deal and suits both parties.

7. Meet someone mentally compatible for intellectual stimulation. If the man is mentally less mature then it is easier to dominate him and use him as company and protection;

8. For evolution and spiritual growth, which is rare, et al.

When you meet someone, remember to keep the following in mind:

1. Legal consequences of all your actions. What are you getting yourself into? Is it his place or yours? What can happen? How safe are you legally and physically? Are you drunk or sober, on any drugs (ecstasy, heroin, crack, etc.). Mistakes are generally made when a person is not in command of his faculties. You can easily (without your knowing it) contract an STD (a sexually transmitted disease) as HIV positive or even worse Hepatitis C which has no permanent cure and become a carrier of dangerous germs.

2. Carefully analyze the social orbit in which the person is located, for example, find out who are the people close to him or her, with whom he or she associates and the social commitment with them. This will influence the time that the person can dedicate to you. If you are the center of his activity, then his world will revolve only around you, otherwise not.

3. In what state of development is the person: his age, knowledge and life experiences in general, degree of maturity and professional situation, in particular. Is the person religious (in the popular sense) or not. Does he or she have a moral code and a code of conduct (trustworthiness, trustworthiness, etc.)?

4. What are the duties that this person must carry out (social, professional, civic, political or religious). If the person does not have a conscience, the person will not fulfill all his or her duties or will be negligent and careless even towards you.

5. What are the acquired commitments that the person must fulfill (social, personal, financial and legal).

6. Does the person have any religious beliefs? (he is a theist or atheist, he has respect for dogmas and ethical conduct). Does the person have any real and deep knowledge and path for the spiritual progress of the soul evolution or does the person exist on a physical plane only as earned with complete disregard for intellectual and spiritual development and hide all this in a practical way?

7. The level of existence: how much time and effort the person spends on physical activity, intellectual and spiritual growth. Where is the focus?

8. Is the person responsible? What are your responsibilities in business, society, family or is the person just drifting with no aim or goal in mind, drinking and gambling and taking life easy and casually?

9. What are the social, financial and legal obligations of the person? This is very important and should be known to you. What are the parents’ plans for the future of the girl/boy.

10. Background check for the last 5-10 years. Family ties. If the person is silent about the family, he may be hiding the relationship from friends and family or evading child support.

11. Does the person initiate actions? If not, you’ll be doing all the work and carrying the can. You will be nursing the lazy bum.

12. Does the person talk about himself? Silence can mean a dark past or a secret.

13. Does the person talk about his future plans in a frank and open way? Most people who are quiet, passive, or indifferent just want someone to take care of all their needs at all times. They stubbornly cling to the person. Beware of the quiet types. Silent waters run deep.

14. Other factors: stock level – high or low. Determine the numbers in the life of the person (dominance) you are attracted to. Study your own cycles at the time of the first meeting (most important point).

15. Legally, a man’s place is the most insecure for a woman.

16. The financial situation. Do not reveal your savings, social security number, credit cards and where you live (for a woman) to anyone.

17. The health of the person. Are you active by nature or do you drink to motivate yourself? Such a person could be an alcoholic.

18. The legal status. Is he or she a US citizen? Otherwise, the person may have a plan to use you to gain legal status in the US.

19. Employment history. How long have you been at your job? What are the legal limitations for your stay in this country?

20. Do you take drugs or tranquilizers? Drug addicts have mood swings and sometimes beg, steal, or even commit murder to support their habit. This would make your life very insecure.

21. Is the person too emotional? Emotional people are slaves to their emotions. Emotionally controlled people are more trustworthy and dependent and have wisdom. Emotional imbalance is more dangerous. Such people are very harmful to those around them and to themselves. Reason and feeling must be in balance to avoid extreme situations and calamities in life.

human personality

Each person has two personalities: one that they show to the world and one that they keep secret from others. “More is hidden than revealed.”

A very deep knowledge of psychology is required to understand both. Most people know only the exterior that the person exhibits. People don’t have the patience or the time to find the other. It is very difficult to form a lasting relationship without understanding the person reasonably well. It is very vital to know the moral values, physical preferences, spiritual ideals and code of conduct. The moral values ​​of both parties must be similar or the relationship will fall apart after the physical attraction wears off. All long relationships should be based on moral or spiritual values. This can be verified by looking at people who have been together for a long time.

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