When we think of getting rid of chipmunks, all the methods can be divided into two categories; human and lethal.

Human methods can be divided into categories, such as catching chipmunks alive and using scare tactics to drive them out of your yard. There are also a number of natural repellants that can be put into a chipmunk’s nose and three of these techniques will be discussed in this article.

1. Cat litter

Chipmunks are afraid of cats; it’s built into your natural instincts.

If getting a cat to mark its territory around your yard isn’t an option, you need the next best thing: cat litter.

If you have a friend, relative, or neighbor who has a cat (or cats) as a pet, ask them to give you the kitty litter the next time they change it instead of throwing it away. Then spread the contents of the litter tray around the garden.

The acrid stench of cat urine will be enough to scare off even the most staunch squirrel on your property.

2. Fox urine pellets

Keeping with the “urine” theme, the next squirrel repellent on the list is fox urine.

Again, the fox is a natural predator of the chipmunk and if Mr. Chipmunk thinks Mr. Fantastic Fox is lurking around the neighborhood, he will start to seriously think about packing up and moving on.

You can get fox urine in granules or in liquid form at many garden centers and even online from Amazon. One of the best is DeerBusters 100% Fox Urine, which is a bit difficult to find on Amazon because it is marketed as a lure to attract foxes rather than a repellent to get rid of chipmunks, but it works great!

3. Mothballs

For some unknown reason, chipmunks hate mothballs!

Scatter them around your garden, and if you know where the entrances to your tunnels are (which is not an easy task, as they are often very well hidden), pop some mothballs in their holes as well.

Also, if the squirrels are getting into places they shouldn’t, like your garage or under the floor, put some mothballs in there to keep them out.

It’s probably fair to say that mothballs are more of a deterrent than a repellent because while chipmunks don’t particularly like them and will try to avoid them, they probably won’t force them off your property.

Other methods

Although squirrel repellants can get rid of your squirrel infestation, there are more effective methods of removing squirrels, the best of which is using human or lethal squirrel traps.

Visit http://www.getridofchipmunks.org for more information.

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