Change: it seems to be all around us. Not only is it affecting your budget, it is also affecting your work environment and possibly your social and personal life. If you’re not directly affected, some of your friends are. There are five secrets that will help you manage the current changes our world is going through.

The daily news reports continue to talk about changes in the economy, the workforce, and politics. Change can be good when you can see the benefits and feel in control. However, it can be overwhelming and contribute to feelings of being out of control when the impact is negative.

When you have a choice or “say” in the change, it usually generates positive feelings. This is especially true when you clearly see the benefits. Unfortunately, this is not true for many of the changes you may be facing right now.

Many people I’m talking to need to find work, reinvent themselves, and downsize their lifestyle. Feelings of anxiety, fear, and depression are common. These feelings make it harder to feel motivated, consider options, and make good decisions. While this is understandable, it doesn’t have to be.

Kathryn Britton, a trainer and regular contributor to Positive Psychology News Daily (, reminds readers that making changes often requires changing habits. This requires great self-awareness, effort and perseverance. It takes many repetitions of a new behavior to stop behaviors that have become automatic.

You may be wondering where the best place to start is. By asking yourself and answering the following five questions, you can make change positive.

1. What do you think about the change, including whether you think you can make the change? If your answer is no, try to find a different way of looking at the situation. For example, what part of the change might be possible for you? Do you know someone who has successfully made the switch? Are you willing to find out what was helpful to him or her?

2. What behavior can you change that will make reaching another goal easier? This is especially helpful if you are feeling anxious or depressed. For example, Positive Psychology research indicates that exercise decreases stress, anxiety, and sadness. Calm opens neural pathways that facilitate concentration and learning new things. Daily meditation helps you gain more control over your thoughts, which reduces negative emotions and increases self-control. This can make it easier to quit addictive behaviors like smoking.

3. What has changed in your situation or environment that might make it easier to change a habit? For example, if your work location changes, you may not be driving to Starbucks to get your coffee. If nothing has changed in your situation, you may need to create an artificial change to boost your confidence. What kind of change can you create? Do you need to make another change first to boost your confidence? Maybe you can create change by not buying unhealthy foods. This makes it easier for you to stick to a healthy eating plan.

4. How can you use your strengths at work and in your personal life? Martin Seligman, a leading researcher in Positive Psychology, believes that sometimes it is necessary to work hard to manage a weakness in order to avoid failure. However, it does not help you achieve excellence. Which of your strengths can you rely on to make change positive for you?

5. How can you have hope for your future? Remember, hope is a realistic assessment of a situation. When you have hope, you choose to focus on the possibility of a positive outcome and the small steps necessary to succeed. For example, instead of focusing on the problem, are you willing to look for solutions? Yes, the problem needs to be identified. So you need to focus on finding solutions. “I’m out of work” identifies the problem. “These are steps I will take while looking for a job,” focuses on solutions.

Making a positive change is often easier with social support. Make sure you are in contact with people who support you and show you respect. Having a friend or a group to communicate with helps establish accountability.

It is possible to make a positive change for yourself. What you believe about change will affect the decisions you make. There are behaviors you can change that make it easier to achieve your goals. Creating a change, if there is none, makes it easier to change a habit. Using your strengths helps you stay focused and happy. During change, having hope is highly correlated with productivity and well-being.

Which of the five questions will you use to ensure that the changes you are experiencing are positive?

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