Anger is energy. When you are angry, you have access to tremendous power. However, when you believe in your anger, you give up your power.

In this short article I would like to show you another way to deal with anger so that you reap the vital energy it offers.

The benefit of anger

Medicinal herbs that grow wild are called weeds. And yet, when harvested, they work miracles.

Anger, unharvested, is a weed. It interferes with your intentions. Block your joy. Anger, harvested, put an engine in your boat, wind in your sails, a tiger in your tank.

How do you harvest anger?

Like a wild grass, you must first know how to recognize it. That means that when you are angry, you should notice that you are angry.

This may seem obvious, but let’s look at a subtle distinction. Usually when you are angry, you may not really believe that you are angry. You may think you are right, with a lot of enthusiasm!

When you can really say, “I’m angry,” you are no longer talking about the other person and all the terrible things they did. Now you are talking about yourself. You are talking about your status. This is the beginning of the first stage to harvest your anger. You have separated your reaction from the offender’s act. Good job.

Find the wish

The second step is to realize that the intensity of your anger tells you about the intensity of a desire you have. And while that desire is strong, you perceive that something or someone is blocking you from its fulfillment. So anger is the photographic negative of desire. It is an emotional snapshot of the lack of what is desired. And if the desire is very strong, the contrast is very marked.

Affirmations driven by anger

The third step is to do a walking meditation. Now that you know the desire that is being obstructed and you know the intensity of the desire, you can find a word, word or phrase, that summarizes the desire. Walk with all the energy of your anger. As each foot touches the ground, let that simple affirmation speak and let it reverberate through your body.

How John transforms his anger

Here is an example. Someone lied to John. He is very upset. You feel betrayed. You lost money on this transaction and you also feel like you lost a friend. He begins to feel angry and can only think about how wrong his friend was and how right he is.

Here’s how John works with this:

1 – Acknowledge that you are angry. He understands that his anger is serving a purpose and takes him beyond despair on the emotional scale (as taught by Abraham-Hicks). He also knows that if he remains angry, he is giving his power to whoever he believes has offended him. More importantly, he is letting his power slip away from him. His power is in a useless form.

2 – He sees that his anger is very intense and that his greatest desire is to have confidence in his friendship. You also want your money back.

3 – Find what is the strongest desire in this. It goes back and forth between money and trust. Finally, you feel that trust is your deepest desire. Choose the word trust. Now go out for a walk.

4 – Since he is still genuinely angry, he walks fast and hard. Stomp with every step. His face is tense. His hands are clenched in his pockets. With each step, he allows confidence to resonate through him. As her mind goes to betrayal, it returns her to the pure feeling that she knows as trust. The feeling of trusting a friend allows your mind to randomly wander to times and people you trusted. Finally, his face softens. His hands loosen. His anger gradually transforms into excitement and enthusiasm. Walk until exhaustion.

With this activity, John:

  • Regained its power
  • Harvested his anger
  • Put the Law of Attraction in motion for trusted friends (instead of focusing on anger and making the Law of Attraction bring more betrayal).

You can also do this. The next time you are angry, start to regain your power and let the Law of Attraction help you change your manifestation.

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