The World of Warcraft gold farming methods that I am going to share in this article are literally epic. I say this because what you are about to learn how to farm are epic rare items. So, get ready to learn the best gold farming. WotLK hides a couple of secrets that you are about to discover.

The methods I am going to describe here refer to a higher type of World of Warcraft farming. I’m talking about 5-man and 10/25-man instance farming. So without wasting too much time, here’s what you need to know about this type of World of Warcraft content.

5 person instance farming


– A tank and a healer with good equipment. Yes, in fact, you need the base of a 5-man team consisting of 1 tank and 1 healer.
– One of the two characters must have the Charming profession.
– The rest of the group, the DPS players will be your “clients”.

To do:

Now, there are 4 instances in WotLK that have epic items as rewards, in normal mode. Halls of Reflection, Well of Saron, Forge of Souls, and Trial of the Champion. Once a player reaches level 80, these are the cases where they gear up with epics. Now, you need to find 3 other players besides your tank/healer team that need boosting in these cases, players that are willing to pay a fee for that boost. Of course you have to negotiate the rate with them. One of the conditions of your boost must be that everything they don’t need is disenchanted and the epic Abyss Crystals are yours.

10/25 man instance farming


– Excellent leadership skills.
– Good knowledge about end game raid instances in WotLK.

To do:

This method has really been the best gold crop for me. WotLK raids have brought me so much gold that I really have nothing to spend it on. What you have to do is quite simple. Once you have a bit of raiding experience, you can put together your own raid groups and reserve the epic BoE items for yourself. However, if the party is not satisfied with your conditions, you can reserve only the first BoE item that will drop. End game BoE epics sell for 5-6000g and that’s a good profit for 1-2 hours of raiding.

Now, I know that the WoW gold making methods I’ve illustrated here are a bit harsh. Not all players have what it takes to farm WoW gold like this. But in my opinion, this is currently the best gold crop. WotLK offers many possibilities when it comes to making gold and these are the ones I vote for.

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