The first thing I heard about was when my friend, Brian G. Johnson, posted on Facebook that he was organizing a Blab. Soon after, Joel Comm was promoting his Blab. Before he knew it, many of my friends and colleagues were yapping and having a great time doing it.

My initial thought was, “Oh no! Not another BSO – a shiny shiny object.”

With all the new distractions on social media, I really thought this was just one more to add to the yard of bones for ways you’ll soon forget about mindlessly spending time online.

Knowing Brian and Joel as I do, Blab warranted further investigation. After all, these two online rock stars seem to always be at the forefront of how they serve their communities.

After further examination, I got the error. And I predict that Blab will create an immense opportunity for those who strategically use this platform and the incredible capabilities that Blab offers.

The best thing about Blab is that there are virtually no barriers to entry. Unlike Google Hangouts, Blab is very easy to use. Even the least tech-savvy person can master it from the start.

As with everything, there is always Pros and cons. Here is my take on it Pros and cons.


  • What I really like about Blab is that you can use it as an open discussion forum, a training platform, or just to talk about current issues.
  • Limited number of participants on camera. Some people think that having only four people in front of the camera at a time is a huge handicap. I personally like this feature. This prevents a free-for-all conversation that could quickly get out of hand.
  • If you’re the host of the Blab, you have full control over how long you allow someone to stay on camera. In other words, if you have someone who is inappropriate, tries to take over the conversation with their own agenda, or is just a jerk, you can delete them.
  • The user interface is very simple, and yet it has room to grow.
  • One of the best features is the Twitter integration. While in a Blab, you can tweet to all of your Twitter followers by clicking the button that says “Tell a Birdie”. Participants can do the same. In no time at all, your Blab is being tweeted out to untold numbers of people.
  • From what some experts say, they are getting a huge following, their subscriber lists are growing, and their visibility is through the roof.
  • Another nice feature is the ability to record your session. Many experts are using their recorded Blabs for membership sites, podcast shows and creating more value for their community.
  • You can go live right away or schedule your Blab to allow your community to plan accordingly.

Although the pros are plentiful, there are some cons. However, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

  • You have no privacy on Blab. Once it’s live, anyone can join.
  • Blab has already proven to be an OST for some people. The phrase, “Addicted to Blab” is starting to crop up.
  • If someone is using Blabs simply for the purpose of filling their time, they may end up wasting precious time searching for high-content Blabs.
  • From what I’ve seen, there are more Blabs that “waste time” than are actually useful.

Get the most out of the Blabs you host or participate in

The following recommendations are for those who want to use Blab to improve their market reach, visibility and position their expert status.

  • Use the Blab platform like you would any other training environment. In other words, treat the participants’ time with respect and give them something useful from your Blab.
  • Make sure that what is shown on the camera is not distracting. For example, don’t Blab your bedroom with an unmade bed.
  • Avoid noise and distractions while organizing or participating on camera with the Blab.
  • Record the session to turn it into a podcast episode, content for a membership site, or added value for your subscribers.
  • Dress and act the role you want to convey to the viewers. I can’t believe how many people I’ve seen on camera with messy hair, having lunch or dinner at the Blab, picking their nose (yes, I saw a person pick their nose), and/or looking bored while others are talking.
  • Have fun. This is the key for others to have fun. If they see you having fun, chances are they will too.
  • Keep things on target. Unless your Blab is free for all, keep the conversation on topic. It will keep your viewers more engaged.
  • Recognize people when they join the Blab. A quick hello works great.

Ready to jump on the Blab bandwagon? All you need to do is go to to start Blabbing.

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