Although much of today’s chess is played on the Internet or through software programmed to throw you at the most formidable opponent, there is still the opportunity to play chess against another human being. And if you’re going to do that, you’re going to need a chess set. Choosing one is not as easy as you might think. There are chess games for every occasion and setting. We’ll give you just a hint of what’s available.

Gone are the old days of the typical smooth board and wooden chess pieces. Yes, these sets are still around and to some extent they are considered collector’s items if you can find a very old set, but today the materials the sets and chess pieces are made of vary greatly, not to mention the size of the sets. games.

For example, if you are looking for a game to have at home, perhaps on the dining room table or in the game area, your standard chess board is typically between 15 and 17 inches square with the chess pieces between 2 and 4 inches. , measured by the size of the king Of course, the pawns will be much smaller. But even home chess sets come in more sizes and styles than you can imagine.

For example, the boards themselves come in all kinds of woods, with maple and elm being the most common. Tabletops also come in materials other than wood, such as marble, glass, and plastic. The pieces, in addition to various sizes, also come in different materials such as plastic, wood, glass, and various synthetics. Other than that, the pieces also come in a variety of styles. More recently, it has been common to make chess pieces that do not have the traditional king and queen shape. Many sets of chess pieces are modeled after popular television shows and movies, such as Star Trek and The Lord of the Rings. These outfits are also often very elaborate, made from very expensive materials. These novelty sets can sell for several hundred dollars. A traditional chess set will still cost you a pretty penny today, ranging in price from $30 to $100 or more. The price of the games is determined by the size of the pieces, the board and the materials with which they are made.

If you’re looking for a game that you can take with you, you’ll want one that’s fairly small and that folds up even smaller. Portable chess sets are all the rage among children who belong to chess clubs. The average portable chess set measures between 5 and 7 square inches. When folded they are half the size. The pieces are usually very small, with the king being no more than 2 inches. You better have small hands to play these kinds of sets.

Most laptop computers are made of fairly inexpensive materials. In most cases, the boards are made of articulated metal and the pieces are made of plastic. But there are some portable chess sets that are a bit more elaborate for someone who wants to impress their friends, even when on the go. Portable chess sets typically range in price from $10 to $79. The more expensive ones are very well made and worth every penny.

No matter what you’re looking for in a chess game, you’ll have plenty of options. So take your time and make sure it’s exactly what you want, because it’s available. You just have to look.

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