When you need to speak louder, do you know if you’re yelling or projecting your voice? If you’re like most people, you probably yell or yell to be heard. The problem with turning up the volume this way is that it’s hard on the throat and vocal cords. And it can also be hard on the ears of your listeners.

The tremendous stress placed on the throat and vocal cords by yelling or screaming damages the voice. That’s why you may notice that your throat hurts, his voice becomes scratchy or hoarse, and you may even experience voice loss. The 3 symptoms are called voice abuse.

Those situations where you may be using more volume for an extended period of time include:

1. support your favorite sports team;


3. training;

4. public speaking;

5. ministry;

6. performance;

7. campaign;

8. chatting in a noisy club;

9. work in noisy environments; and,

10. yell at your kids all day long.

There is a better way to bulk up that immediately lessens the stress on those delicate organs. It’s called projection, and it’s only possible if you use your chest cavity as your head amp. Think about the size of your chest cavity. Now consider the size of your other 4 vocal resonators: your larynx, throat, mouth, and nasal cavities. Those 4 areas combined are nowhere near the size or capacity of the chest cavity.

Another benefit of projection is that it won’t damage your listeners’ ears. Shouting or yelling is shrill and harsh: it’s loud. Projection, on the other hand, involves increased volume but is not shrill or loud because the vibrations produced in the chest have a deeper tone and warmer quality; the vibrations in the other 4 resonators are higher pitched and can be very shrill.

I worked with retired NHL player Ulf Samuelsson who told me he wished he had known how to project his voice when playing hockey because of the noise level on the ice. At the time I was working with him, he was coaching his son’s local hockey team. He told me that after a practice with the boys, he would have no voice. However, once he learned to project, he was able to train in those hour-long sessions and still had a voice at the end of the night.

Change the way you position your sound and you’ll notice an amazing difference. You will sound better; you will no longer experience hoarseness or a sore throat; and you’ll have more voice and energy at the end of the day.

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