Choosing a fencing bag that suits you and your needs can be daunting. There are several colors, sizes, and manufacturers to choose from. As with most sports equipment, your budget limitations must also be considered. Regardless, you will eventually need something that is sturdy and comfortable to maneuver to transport your fencing equipment.

Fencing bags come in multiple forms. They can be relatively small, convenient and light to carry around, ideal for beginners and those who don’t require a lot of equipment. At the other end of the spectrum are those that make up the huge and cumbersome category. A large fencing bag is often equipped with multiple carrying straps, and luckily most rest on wheels.

When deciding on a fencing bag, the main consideration is determining how much equipment you need to carry.

If you own only one or two weapons and plan to participate very little in competition outside of your own club, then a small or “junior” bag may be desirable. Perhaps you are still not sure if fencing is your sport and you are not ready to commit to buying a fencing bag. Many clubs will provide most of the equipment for beginners. However, if you choose to purchase your own foil, épée, or saber and continue to use the rest of the fencing club’s equipment, consider purchasing a single weapon bag. Your club gunsmith will thank you as your weapon will last much longer without needing repair.

If you are likely to travel a lot, plan to get one of the larger bags. As with modern suitcases, having wheels can be a blessing when maneuvering in airports and around town. Speaking of suitcases, large bags have enough space that you probably won’t need a second bag for clothes and toiletries. However, a word of caution. Once your fencing bag is filled with personal possessions and fencing equipment, it will be very heavy and quite awkward to lift and maneuver. Always practice proper lifting techniques.

Most large wheeled bags have multiple pockets and compartments to ensure organization is easy. If you are an organized person by nature, the many compartments will help you take a quick inventory of your equipment, as it is quite common for fencing equipment to “grow legs” during competitions. Remember, lost gear is usually not theft, it’s usually just a disorganized fencer taking everything near his bag and stuffing it in.

Regardless of the type of bag you buy, be sure to pay attention to the strength of the zipper and the stitching of the carrying straps. Cheaper brands often cut corners in these areas.

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