What is Influenza – Flu: Influenza is commonly called or known as ‘flu’, it is a contagious viral infection of the respiratory tract. Although the flu affects both sexes and all age groups, children and older people are more likely to get it. The disease even has its own season, which is from November to April, with most cases occurring between late December and early March.

What Causes Influenza – Flu: Influenza is caused by the Influenza virus. Health professionals classify the virus as influenza type A and type B, each of which includes strains. These strains are different from the original virus but retain some of its characteristics. The influenza virus changes frequently, so having the flu caused by one strain does not give you full immunity to other strains. That’s why a different vaccine is needed each year to help prevent infection. Influenza (flu) is easily transmitted through virus-infected droplets that are coughed or sneezed into the air, and by touching doorknobs and other items that have been handled by other infected people, the flu is highly contagious.

Influenza Symptoms – Flu: The flu usually lasts a week or less, with the main course of symptoms clearing up within 3 days. Symptoms of influenza (flu) are fever, chills, headache, body or muscle aches, loss of appetite, tiredness, cough, sore throat, runny nose, upset stomach, weakness, diarrhea. After 3 days, the fever and other symptoms may be gone, but the cough or severe weakness can sometimes continue for a few more days. All symptoms usually go away in a week or two. However, it’s important to treat the flu seriously, as it can lead to pneumonia or other complications, especially in babies, the elderly, and people with long-term health problems. It seems like I get the flu every year, and every year it seems to hit me worse than the year before. I also seem to get it at the end of January or beginning of February every year.

Treatment for Influenza – Flu: Once you get the flu, there’s not much you can do to get rid of it except wait until it has run its course. It is best to stay in bed with a warm blanket and rest as much as possible. Drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration and weakness. And you may want to take Tylenol or ibuprofen for head and body pain relief. You should avoid giving aspirin to children. There are some new over-the-counter medications that seem to shorten the duration and severity of the flu that you may want to try, such as: Zicam and another Oscillococcinum, often called Oscillo. I have tried Zicam chewable tablets myself and the product seemed to make my flu symptoms less severe.

Influenza – Flu Prevention: The best way to prevent Influenza – Flu, is to get vaccinated against the Flu, unless you are allergic to it like I am. Two years in a row I got a flu shot and both times I got seriously ill within 2 days, had a really bad headache and severe upset stomach. You should try to avoid close contact with other people who have the flu. Wash your hands and forearms often, especially after using public restrooms, opening doors, and drinking from public fountains. Never share cups and eating utensils and don’t use other people’s tissues, touching the box is an easy way to catch the flu virus. Stay home from work or school when you have the flu and rest.

There is a website that provides cures, facts and other great information on influenza – the flu and numerous medical conditions, the website is called: All About Health, and it can be found at this URL:

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