When a golfer’s body is out of balance, you tend to hit the ball everywhere but in a straight line. It’s like driving a car with misaligned wheels. When the car’s wheels are not balanced and aligned, it feels like your car is drifting everywhere but in a straight line. The same applies to his body. When you are out of balance it means that some muscles are shorter than normal and some muscles are longer than normal. When the muscle length is less or more than perfect, the mechanics of the swing change. So the goal is to stretch the short muscles and strengthen the long ones.

Here’s a great example of a common swing failure and how it may be affecting your current swing. The recreational gamer who sits all day at work has tight hip flexors. Tight hip flexors are a common reason for lack of distance off the tee. They also act as parking brakes when trying to achieve a full backswing due to restricted trunk rotation.

? So how do we fix it? Well first start by using a high density foam roller. This will act as a form of self-massage. How to self massage the hip flexor. Lie on the far end of the roller on one side of the hip complex. Slowly roll up and down. Change position on the roller to emphasize the lateral (outer) areas. After using the roller, try the basic hip flexor stretch. Start in a lunge position. Bend one knee and place the opposite knee on the floor. Place your hands on your hips, squeeze your glutes, and slowly push your hips forward. Hold the stretch briefly, then release it. Focus on moving little by little. Over time, your range of motion will improve, as will your swing.

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