You may have been told otherwise, but height is more than a function of your genetics. While the genes you are born with are very important in determining your height, there are other factors that decide how tall you will be. These include diet, exercise, sleep, and environmental factors. This is why you see many children with short parents who become tall, and vice versa.

The first most important “secret” to growing taller is exercise. Whether you are a teenager or have already crossed puberty, if you don’t exercise, you can never hope to reach your full height potential. This is why many times, among siblings, the one who plays sports or is physically active tends to outperform the one who spends his time in front of the television or the computer. Exercise, therefore, is essential to grow taller naturally. However, not all exercises are equally effective in helping you grow taller. There are certain specific exercises that target the spine that are extremely effective in helping a person increase their height.

The second important secret to grow taller is diet. Without the right kind of nutrition, the body cannot grow. If you provide your body with the necessary vitamins, minerals, and amino acids for growth, you will see an increase in your height. In fact, improved nutritional habits are the reason why the average height of Chinese and South Koreans has increased by nearly 4 to 5 inches in the past 50 years. Many short people lack key amino acids and vitamins that allow them to increase their height.

The third most important secret to growing taller is sleep. This is a factor that is often overlooked. In our society, sleepiness is somehow equated with laziness. We adore workaholics who sacrifice sleep for their job. This is an incorrect belief (which is to say, fortunately, it is slowly being eradicated through a protracted campaign to promote the virtues of sleep), since sleep is the most important phase of the day. When you go to sleep, the body begins its repair and construction work. Without adequate sleep, the body cannot grow taller. So try to get at least 7-8 hours of deep sleep in your daily routine if you want to grow taller naturally.

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