Do you want to play the guitar professionally? Maybe become famous or are you looking to learn guitar as a hobby and play for your friends and family? The big difference between learning DVD guitar lessons and taking regular lessons is that you no longer have to keep paying the teacher or visiting his shop again and again, nor do you have to pay for online lessons. Online lessons can be quite expensive and tedious. This is where guitar teaching DVDs come in to offer an alternative to learning the guitar.

Regardless of which option you choose, understand that both DVD and online guitar lessons are quite similar to the traditional classroom approach, but learning guitar on DVD allows you to take your time and go at your own pace, before to move on to the next lesson. This also ensures that you won’t get discouraged and stop practicing, and stay motivated. You will learn little by little, step by step. The lessons are easy to follow and not intimidating at all. Guitar lessons on DVD are great because they allow you to pick up a new hobby without having to quit your day job, not to mention the confidence you’ll gain from being the life of the party!

You will learn how to hold a guitar and pick, from basic chords to more advanced chords, how to strum, advanced bends, Eddie Van Halen technique, Merle Travis technique, finger style secrets, arpeggios, blues notes and chord progressions. blues chords, R&B, and jazz chords, to name just a few, on how to get on your way to guitar mastery. The list is endless…

Guitar teaching DVDs also teach you how to train your ear, read sheet music and guitar tablature. More importantly, you can also learn to develop your own unique style of guitar playing. It’s also helpful to learn tips and tricks that you can practice right away, while playing great songs!

Watching the DVDs is like having your own guitar instructor in the room with you, except you’re not rushing him.

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