Qualified Practitioner for Masseter Botox Injections

Whether you are bothered by an overly bulky jaw line or you suffer from jaw pain due to teeth grinding or clenching (also known as Bruxism), Masseter Botox can be the answer. A skilled cosmetic dermatologist can provide this effective treatment to slim the jawline and reduce discomfort from conditions like Bruxism, helping you achieve a more chiseled face shape and improve your quality of life.

During the procedure, a licensed medical professional will cleanse your skin to reduce the risk of infection. They may also apply a topical anesthesia to numb the area. Then, they will prepare a syringe with the botulinum toxin and insert it into the Botox Masseter muscle. They will inject a few syringes into each side of the face, depending on the severity of the masseter hypertrophy and the level of facial slimming you want to achieve.

The injections are quick and comfortable, with minimal downtime and recovery. Bruising and swelling around the injection site is normal, but will resolve quickly. Most patients report that they experience only mild to moderate pain, if any.

How Do I Find a Qualified Practitioner for Masseter Botox Injections?

Once the masseter muscles are relaxed, they will not contract as hard, causing a reduction in their size. As a result, the jaws will be able to move more freely and chew correctly. In addition, if you are suffering from Bruxism, the injections will relax your jaw muscles and prevent future clenching and grinding of the teeth.

While Masseter Botox is an off-label use of the drug, it is extremely safe when administered by a qualified practitioner. It is important to find a reputable practice that has experienced, board-certified doctors with a solid understanding of anatomy and facial structure. You should be able to get a consultation where the doctor will examine your jaw and masseter muscles and determine if you are a good candidate for Masseter Botox.

During the consultation, your doctor will ask you if you have had jaw pain or any other signs of Bruxism and perform x-rays of your mouth to ensure that you are a good candidate for the procedure. They will also discuss your desired outcome, addressing any questions or concerns you may have.

The best candidates for Masseter Botox are healthy adults who desire a slimmer, more defined facial structure. They must also have realistic expectations and understand that the injections will not change the underlying skeletal structure of their jaw. People who are pregnant or breastfeeding or those with certain medical conditions should not receive this treatment out of an abundance of caution. Contact Eternal Dermatology + Aesthetics to learn more about how this non-surgical facelift can benefit you! Call us now to book a private consultation with one of our board-certified specialists. We are conveniently located in New York City’s Upper East Side. We look forward to seeing you soon!

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