Finding the right school for your needs

There are a large number of schools offering degrees with very different programs. Some of the courses are being offered by state and private universities with which you are very familiar. You will also discover many programs offered by schools that specialize only in distance learning programs. The following information will help you understand what to expect as you pursue an education online and provide examples of some of the best schools in both categories.

Top Universities Offering An Online Psychology Degree

To get started, we’ll examine some of the best schools in the US that offer this degree.

Florida Tech Online – The online unit of the Florida Institute of Technology
arizona state university
robert morris university

This list is limited to some of the schools that will allow you to complete your degree. Most major universities offer a wide variety of prerequisite, general studies, and psychology courses through their independent study or distance learning programs. If you have a local college that offers psychology classes, you may want to check with their distance learning department to determine how much of your coursework you can do from home.

Universities that offer distance education

There are a variety of universities that specialize in online education that allow you to complete your degree 100% online. Some of the major names you may recognize are:

Kaplan University
Capella University
Walden University
liberty university
ashford university

You may think that you can receive a high level of education or a degree from a traditional university, but you may be in for a bit of a surprise. These schools offer bachelor’s degrees, master’s programs, and some schools even offer doctoral programs. If you think that earning a psychology degree limits your choice of major, you’re in for another surprise. As an example, let’s look at the majors that Walden University offers.

forensic Medicine
criminal justice
crisis management

Walden University’s wide range of majors is not unique to its school. No matter what area of ​​study you are interested in within psychology, you can earn your degree online.

You may choose to stay in a general field of psychology, but then you could miss out on some very interesting and fun classes, as well as leaving behind the opportunity to earn more income by specializing. Here are two examples of psychology major areas and electives you would encounter.

The use of psychology in criminal investigation and justice

One of the most interesting fields is Forensic Psychology. In this specialty, you learn techniques to interview effectively, understand criminal psychology, and learn to support investigators. Here are some of the interesting courses that are part of the bachelor’s and master’s programs in this field:

forensic evaluation
Interview and Forensic Investigation
Gender Psychology
psychological disorders
Methods in Psychological Research
Social influences on behavior
the criminal mind

As you can see from the titles of these courses, this would be a very intriguing career.

Sports Psychology – Empowering Excellence

Perhaps the most fun field in this profession is becoming a sports psychologist. Instead of trying to overcome psychological problems, it is more common to work to improve performance and help people excel. You will work alongside other professionals trained for a sports medicine career, all with the goal of treating and enhancing athletes’ performance and healing. In sports medicine salary reviews and government reports, you’ll find that a sports psychologist typically makes between $45,000 and more than $100,000 per year with a median range of about $89,000.

These programs have a very interesting curriculum. Some of the courses you will enjoy in this specialty include:

Physiological factors in sport and performance
Performance improvement
Improving health and well-being in sports and performance settings
Youth Development and Sports
Group and team dynamics
Advanced Tests and Measurements
Advanced Statistics
Basic Mind-Body Practices
Integrative Mind-Body Practices
Rehabilitation in Sport and Performance

These degrees are available at the Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral levels. You become a key part of the success of the athletes and teams you work with. It is a very rewarding career in the field of psychology.

As you can quickly see, earning a degree online instead of traditional campus courses is not a limitation. You can specialize in any field and achieve any degree level you want.

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