Identity theft refers to a crime that is committed by an imposter who tries to obtain a person’s important data and impersonates them using their driver’s license number, bank account number, or social security number, respectively.

Identity theft can be used to finance or facilitate crimes such as espionage, phishing, illegal immigration, and terrorism.

Types of identity theft

– Child identity theft

– Medical identity theft

– Identity cloning

– Financial identity theft

– Criminal identity theft

It is difficult to safeguard one’s information online or offline. But there are some ways through which you can protect your privacy at all times.

How to protect yourself from identity theft

1. Beware of scams or fraudulent emails: You must be on the defensive regarding your private information. You should never provide any personal information to telemarketers or respond to emails claiming to represent your credit card issuer and bank.

2. Secure your mail: You need to empty your mailbox fast. Or you need to lock it up or get a PO box so criminals don’t have a chance to steal credit card releases. Never mail your checks or outgoing bill payments from home, as they can be stolen.

3. Don’t leave a paper trail: You shouldn’t leave behind a credit card, gas station or ATM receipts.

4. Protect your Social Security Number: It is advisable not to carry a card with your number on it, such as a health insurance card. You should never put your number on the back of checks as this is the primary target for imposters and can give them access to your bank account or credit card report.

5. Know who you’re dealing with: Anytime someone approaches you for private details or financial information, don’t divulge any information right away. First ask for their name and the company they represent, as well as the reason they came or contacted you. If you believe the information to be true, please contact the respective company and confirm the details yourself.

6. Check your credit card report – You should obtain and review your credit card report in detail to track any suspicious activity. You can apply through or by contacting the representative at 877-322-8228. If you find something wrong, tell the creditor or credit card company right away.

7. Check your credit card statements carefully: You must be sure of the respective purchases, merchants and locations before paying the invoice.

8. Remove your name from merchant results lists – You’ll be better off opting out of credit card solicitations and reducing spam every few days.

9. Ensure the privacy of your personal information: If someone asks you about your social security number, first ask them about their privacy policy. Let them or even the bank know that you would not like your information sent to a third party at all.


With terrorism and criminal activity on the rise, it’s always best to insure yourself and protect yourself from identity theft. Keep your ears and eyes open whenever you are dealing with people or companies. Better safe than sorry.

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