Many people wonder how to use the law of attraction for abundance. The basic idea behind this rule is simple: your thoughts shape the reality of your life. But how do you “attract” abundance? The key to abundance is action: you must act and, more importantly, you must get things done.

Many people have great ideas and many people take the risk of creating their own business, developing their idea into a concrete plan. But they never get things done, and that’s why they don’t succeed. When obstacles appear, they start boycotting their own project, saying things like “I knew this wouldn’t work!” – only to return to his old job.

What you really need to get things done is a positive attitude. You can’t do things when you don’t think you will. To create a positive attitude, you need to be concerned that your goal is attainable. Of course, you can set a very small goal. But this way you will lose motivation very fast.

There is another much more effective way of doing things, even big projects. Take a look at these 2 rules developed by the great philosopher René Descartes (1596-1650) in his treatise “Discourse on Method” (actually there are more than two rules, but in this case these two are crucial):

1) “Divide each one of the difficulties that are examined in as many parts as possible and necessary for its adequate solution.”

This simply means that you have to break your big goal down into smaller parts. This way, the big goal won’t be so daunting. You will see a path that you have to take, which creates a positive feeling.

two) “To direct my thoughts in such an order that, beginning with the simplest and easiest objects to know, I may ascend little by little, and, as it were, step by step, to the knowledge of the most complex; assigning in thought a certain order even to those objects which in their very nature are not in a relation of antecedent and sequence”.

In other words: start with the easiest and go step by step. Every time you complete a step, you’ll experience a sense of accomplishment that will keep you motivated to reach your end goal.

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