(22,493 BC)

Preview: The Brutes of the Planet Moiromma (Originally part of: Cadaverous Planets), made in several episodes of the series (2005-2006). THE Cadaverous Planets was originally written in 2004 and has been added to ever since. So for Nirut to go conquer Moiromma, it shouldn’t be unusual for the reader if he or she knows the history of Moiromma and the Cadaverous Planets, which Nirut now belongs to and is somewhat independent of, since he is of the Black. Galaxy, and Moiromma is actually a neighbor of Earth’s solar system and part of the Milky Way.

The Brutes appear in about five episodes in ‘Cadaverous Planets’, and are a conquering group of Moirommalits, perhaps similar to Hannibal in his time. They ruled Moiromma for a short period of time. And now Nirut has decided to conquer this planet, since he has done it with everyone around Moiromma, or he is doing it at present, or he is about to do it.

They, the Brutes, have what are called victory fights (perhaps similar to cockfights), in the Brute Ville, near the caves of Moiromma, where the king lives. Kahg is currently king and will soon defend his title. But at present a battle (a kind of war) is going on, and Nirut is in the midst of this battle. It’s a different kind of battle in the sense that the land of Moiromma is an arctic planet, except for summer, which is only six to ten weeks, and it’s summer now, right now. Yob will try to win the royal title, after he finishes the battle. But none of this should matter to the reader, because here it’s the main battle that counts, and the Brutes howl as they fight, howl as they die. The Moirommalits are a primitive people, race, large and structured people, and when they die they have a hundred resurrections before leaving life altogether. They usually end up on another planet, upon resurrecting. And I think this is enough to draw you into the Battle of the Trench, or Howling Armies, now taking place on the planet Moiromma, in the City of Brutes. His world has been invaded by Nirut, and there are about 20,000 inhabitants, and that’s about the number of infantry Nirut has at his disposal, with his five hundred ships, who have now landed on the planet.

howling armies

They returned through the sharp cold winds and through the trench they fled, Moiromma’s hordes, the Brutes, who were slain in the city, hands and feet and all; the rest, only after reaching the King’s abodes, stood their ground. ,

washed by fear, whipped into frantic flight.

At this time, Rue woke up in the heights of Adi,

Beyond the valley of the Brutes, and dwellings,

King of the cosmic throne–; Nirut jumped to his feet,

while the army of Brutes fled, running here and there.

Nirut attacking, and the god Rue, guarded in lay,

and Marduk the demon, saw what Rue saw; Struggling for breath, Nirut’s senses shocked, he gasped,

blood pouring from his side… the man who pierced

he was among the strongest, Yob, would-be king

in Moiromma… perhaps in power, under Nirut.

At the sight of Yahoo King Kahg, of the Brutes ran,

(the strongest of men), and Rue was filled with pity now.

Marduk, now casting a dark gaze towards Nirut,

a howl (echo) burst from him, “What a mess you’re making!” To the uncontrollable Marduk–said she, Calle,

“What is your betrayal–?” “Stop your assault to join Nirut’s army.

And a whirlwind of Rue spread like a whip, and

It struck Marduk, with one blow, he fell to one knee, in the air.

And Rue hung a huge anvil with iron chains

him, whipped around both hands and feet…

(as below the armies of the Brutes, they howled and howled

in defeat).

Kneeling there helplessly, Nirut seized the moment and

he sent the Brutes hurtling each other to death.

Headfirst, many were hit in the head and fell to the ground.

Not even then Rue mourned for Marduk, or the Brutes,

the wicked, as he called them, ‘always scheming

miseries for your own kind, and fight for the crown of

Moiromma, except, in addition to those of men, as torments

and embrace, covet and assault, seduce the blind and old,

this is your reward. (Thus her voice trembled in

thunder, so that all could hear, protesting their ways.)

Note: No: 1909, 7-18-2007

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