Hepatitis B is a very serious liver infection that can be prevented with a vaccine if diagnosed correctly. This infection in the liver is caused by the Hepatitis B virus, commonly known as HBV. This is one of the major STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) and it can also happen if you share an unprotected needle with someone.

This virus is mainly transmitted through bodily fluids such as blood or semen from the infected to the uninfected person. If the mothers are infected with hepatitis B, it can be transmitted to the child who is pregnant. The severity of hepatitis B differs from person to person. It can be as trivial as a short-term illness for some people, while for others it can become a long-term infection, often leading to life-threatening situations.

This deadly liver infection can be avoided by getting vaccinated at the right time. The degree of severity of the infection is directly related to the age of the patient. If you get it as a baby, then there is more than a 90% chance that it will turn into a chronic infection. However, if you are an adult infected with hepatitis B, then the chances of chronic infection are 2-6%.

Hepatitis B symptoms

Identifying the symptoms of hepatitis B is a delicate situation. Signs and symptoms vary from person to person, and for some people, the signs may not even appear before the infection becomes acute. Many babies are asymptomatic, and even some newly infected adults may be immunocompromised and therefore not show any symptoms.

However, in 30 to 40% of cases, adults have been found to show signs and symptoms of hepatitis B infection. Identifying the symptoms of hepatitis B at an early stage can be crucial in curing the infection without further harm. the immune system. This is very important for children, as it can very easily develop into a chronic disease.

Signs to identify and diagnose Hepatitis B

Below is a list of different signs and symptoms related to hepatitis B.

If the person tires quickly.

The person may start to feel nauseated very often.

Having a fever is one of the most common symptoms and perhaps the first important one.

If the person notices that their urine has turned darker, it may be a symptom of Hepatitis B.

Since hepatitis B is an infection of the liver, the person in question could have jaundice.

Joint pain is also a common sign.

One of the most common symptoms is loss of appetite. It is usually followed by excessive vomiting and abdominal pain.

If a person is infected with hepatitis B, they may have clay-colored stools.

If you or a person notice any of the symptoms mentioned above, it is recommended to see a doctor immediately to be easily treated at an early stage. If a child has any of the symptoms, he should be diagnosed right away, as he is more likely to develop chronic hepatitis B infection.

Medications for hepatitis B

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Antiviral drugs are taken orally and as prescribed by a doctor. They help control the infection and reduce the damage done to the patient’s liver. Interferon injections are more aimed at young people inclined to prevent long-term treatment of infection. However, this medication should not be used during pregnancy.

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