Serogen is a natural male enhancement formula created by Somalabs. Its uses are very basic and it does not cover many symptoms of erectile dysfunction. The main purpose of this pill is to increase the duration and sensation of an orgasm for men. Some men like products that only target one problem or cure, but other men would rather have one pill that does multiple things for them. This pill is basically designed for me who doesn’t really suffer from erectile dysfunction but would like to improve my experience in bed.

Serogen must be taken every morning and every night, that is, two pills a day. These pills are not immediately effective like some products and can take up to two weeks to see any results. After you start to see results, it’s not like you’re done with the pill either. If you want to continue to see your results, you will need to continue taking two pills every day. The ingredients inside the pills are supposed to be all-natural and completely safe, but on the website they don’t really give a list of ingredients, which is frustrating to say the least. Men like to know exactly what they are taking, so they know if the formula will be effective or not.

Cernate is the only active ingredient listed by Serogen. Cernate is its own blend of ingredients, and it comes from pollen studies. Well, many people are generally allergic to pollen. Pollen is what causes many problems with basic allergies. This could explain why some people experienced headaches or dizziness while taking Serogen. This could turn many men away from the product, especially if they are easily prone to allergic reactions to things like pollen or other airborne allergens.

There is a sample offer you can get with Serogen, but be very careful with it. When you accept your sample test, you are automatically registered to receive another supply value that will be automatically sent to you and automatically billed. Many male enhancement companies have this practice, and it’s shady to say the least. At least this website notifies you that they charge you for your next supply. So if you’re looking to enhance your orgasms and lengthen your orgasm, feel free to try Serogen if you don’t have pollen allergies.

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