Stuffed animal overpopulation has become a growing problem for families of children today. Children have many more toys these days than in years past. While a child might have had a few toys of their own in the baby boomer era, many modern children can accumulate hundreds of toys.

Between birthday parties, holidays, doctor visits, good grades in school, or showing up at sporting events, many parents use a new toy as a reward for even the most mundane occasions. Modern manufacturing methods have brought the price of a well-made stuffed animal below ten dollars for many styles and sizes.

New toy manufacturers have surged into the collectible toy animal market, hoping to ride the wave created by the creators of Beanie Babies in the mid-1990s. Suddenly, high-quality plush toys were hoarded and traded at prices well above their retail value. New stuffed animal companies sprang up offering not only collectible demand, but also toys that came with their own online world to go along with them, all for a price usually under ten dollars.

And thus the modern stuffed animal storage crisis was born. Many families find themselves buried under an avalanche of teddy bears, cuddly lions, cuddly kittens, and fluffy puppies. As children get older, previously loved stuffed animals can become a nuisance.

However, there are many modern innovations in stuffed animal storage that can help in this regard.

Where people used to have chests or shelves to store toys, there are now stuffed animal beanbag style chairs where instead of being filled with beans, you can fill them with your own surplus stuffed toys. The windows allow a child to see and access the stuffed animals inside, while also providing a place to sit comfortably.

Other great options include netting that can be hung in a corner of the kids’ room to provide a hammock for all your stuffed dogs and cats. A stuffed animal storage solution is in the style of a zoo exhibit, with bars to hold the animals.

Remember, toy animal overpopulation problems can quickly become a thing of the past with the right storage solution.

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