Alright, the powers of free classifieds, this is a marketing strategy that can pay off your time and consistent effort. Free classified ads are great for generating leads and sales for your business, but you need to know how to take advantage of them properly, or you could run into some trouble. So first, let’s look at its ease of setup.

Working on free classifieds shouldn’t take you more than an hour, it’s easy to set up. You will have to do ongoing maintenance; most free ads expire around 30 days. One way I would recommend to keep up with your ads being posted and due dates is to create an Excel spreadsheet to track your ads, definitely not required but will be worth it in the long run. Your cost will be free, since you are using free ads, and you can actually expect to see results right away.

Ok, so what is your basic use for taking advantage of free classified ads? The answer is to generate traffic to your website and business that will produce leads without spending a penny or dime. However, you will have to make an investment, and that is time and creativity. These will also be quality leads, not many people spend time on free classifieds for no reason, so expect to see sales from a good number of these leads.

There are actually thousands of free classifieds websites out there, lucky for you if you take the time to read this article and educate yourself I will provide you with some high traffic sites to get you started.

Here are your basic action steps:

1. First choose your sites to use

2. Choose your city
– You must choose in which cities you want to publish your ads; it would be convenient to start with the main cities and then expand to the smaller ones.
– Be careful not to publish the same ad in the same city twice, you run the risk of being marked and that generates other problems.

3. Choose your section
-You must choose your section; choose wisely too, for business, work at home, internet marketing, consider choosing the service offered: small business ads, finance, and real estate. O Section of Jobs Offered: Sales/Business Development, Real Estate, Business Management.
– Beware of the fact that if you have a work from home business that you run, if you choose to post in the work section, apart from the fact that you have to pay a lot of those areas, you have to be careful because you might get flagged . Most work from home businesses aren’t jobs, so you’ll have to be a bit of a rebel and play cat and mouse if you choose to post in those areas.

4. Write your ad
– This is where the magic will happen; this is where your creativity needs to shine. No, you don’t need to be a professional copywriter, this is just your chance to stand out from the crowd and make your ad stand out.
– Always remember that your number one goal will be to generate curiosity. Without that curiosity, your reader won’t feel compelled to take the next step. So remember, do not sell, do not explain your business, just generate curiosity.

5. Post your ad
– After writing your ad, be sure to read it and check for proper punctuation. There is no one to correct your mistakes except you, so be thorough.

6. The last step, repeat and repeat
– You need to take massive action when taking advantage of free classifieds, every day place your ads, just be familiar with the posting limits for each site. For example, Craigslist, a safe number of ads to post per day would be three, each in a different city. Don’t go out and post 15 ads in one day and expect to be fine, you’ll probably lose your account and have to create a whole new one with different credentials.

Basic tips to help you

• You must use a unique header for all ads you post.
• Use unique text when posting your ads
• Pictures are always great, pictures with verbiage are better
• Use one account for 5 to 10 cities, you can create additional accounts using different email addresses, you’ll see where I’m going with that.
• Don’t overdo it, simply said.

Lastly, here are some tips to help your response rate

• You may think I’m crazy about this, but it works. Posting late at night around 11:50 is ideal, this will give you higher rankings. Trust me, I wouldn’t include this tip if it got me and other potential customers for free.
• Do not write false statements and BS, always be truthful and can support what you post.
• Believe it or not, the weather can play a big role in your response rate. Think about it, if it’s raining all day, a lot of people will be on their computers, so stay on top of your weather, it will benefit you.

Now is the time for you to take your newly acquired skills and put them into action. Free Classified Ads are a great way to generate leads and sales, some sellers have even generated 50+ leads from one ad, which is no lie my friend, that’s the power of Free Classified Ads.

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