If you work at home and feel stressed, here are some tips to help you relax and unwind, get organized, and more so you can do your best and be successful at your job(s). Some of you have more than one job that you do from home to earn that extra income, while others have a monster job that seems to take up all your time. Either way, if you’re stressed while working from home, it may be a sign of time for a break or a change. Get out pen and paper and learn how to de-stress from your work at home life!

Tip number one: learn to take a break. Working is stressful, but it can get worse when you don’t spend time with yourself and your family. What else are weekends for? If you find it difficult to take a break, maybe you need to be your own boss and create a schedule. Finding someone to be accountable to can help you stick to your schedule, whether it’s your spouse, child(ren), friend or family member. Life isn’t all about work, and neither should you be.

Working at home means being at home working. You could be at the opposite end of the spectrum where you’re not doing any work at all because you’re too stressed about it. Tip number two: Learn to deal with problems one at a time. Writing them down or talking to a friend about the problems can help him find solutions he never thought of before. Be sure to write them down, and maybe even record them. Even if you don’t use them now, you never know when the need for those work-at-home solutions may come up again later.

Tip number three: Do your best! Don’t get left behind in your work. If you weren’t your own boss, you’d have a boss who would look down on you, and the fear of being fired would be there at all times. One more time…find someone you can be accountable to. Someone who can keep you in check when you just don’t feel like it. When you decide not to do the work, the work piles up and suddenly you discover that working at home is not what you thought it was.

Tip number four: Set goals for yourself and your work! This can be of great help when you are not sure where you stand at work. It’s a great way to determine how well you’re doing and can keep you on your toes as you try to reach your goal. It can be fun to come up with new and innovative ways to reward yourself for a job well done! Do you remember the chore chart your mother had? Why not make a job performance chart for yourself? These tips for working from home without stress are yours, so use them and enjoy your work again.

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