Even to this day, Starcraft is arguably the most balanced real-time strategy game ever made. Even the most advanced players find subtleties after years of playing the game. Now, with Starcraft 2, the game goes even deeper. Strategy guides are popping up on the internet. Some are paid, some are free, and the quality varies greatly. Free stuff tends to help you get past the beginner level, but that’s about it. To truly master the game, you must seek out the masters.

The fact is, the best way to get better at Starcraft 2 is to practice, practice, and practice. But even the best of us need a coach. Unfortunately, you don’t have time to read all the guides out there, so it’s best to just find the best possible guide available and spend the rest of the time developing your own in-game strategies.

Here are some things to consider when deciding which guide will be the best for you:

Are the guide’s writers hardcore Starcraft 2 players or just writers?
There are usually some good nuggets in the official guides, but they won’t help you develop the mindset you need to become an advanced gamer. Look to see who wrote the guide and verify that they are the best player. Even better, find a guide written by a team of hardcore gamers.

Does the guide help you with details beyond the Rock-Paper-Scissors gameplay?
It will take you about an hour to look through strategy wikis to find out which unit beats which. Another hour and you will find some decent building orders. This is not enough. Make sure the guide talks about truly advanced topics like hotkeys, mouse speed, and observation methods.

Does the guide teach you a framework for developing your own strategies?
This could be the most important question. The difference between a good player and a great player is that the great player is flexible in his thinking and can adapt to situations on the fly. A good player stays average because he only uses a reliable strategy.

Are there any updates to the content of the strategy that take into account new patches and expansions?
Like it or not, the game has been divided into three parts. Make sure the money you are spending will be worth it down the road when the new patches come out and the expansions are released. Some guides are even updated daily with YouTube videos.

Does it offer a place to meet other players who are serious about becoming one of the best players on BattleNet?
Sometimes the best strategies are discovered in the forum thread when two passionate players debate a tactic. They may both be wrong, but that probably got you thinking. Find an online guide that will allow you to connect with the best players in one place.

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